English version
Publikováno: 29. 12. 2023 09:16
Autor: Ing. Květoslav Belda, Ph.D.


The College of Polytechnics Jihlava is divided into seven departments.

The Department of Economic Studies caters for 217 full-time and 234 part-time students of Finance and Management, offering 28 compulsory and 16 optional courses, including 5 courses taught in English and 2 in German (offered to both domestic and international/Erasmus students). It also provides about a quarter of the core courses for the Travel and Tourism students.

As the College of Polytechnics Jihlava focuses on applied learning, the mission of the Department of Economic Studies is to prepare students practically for their future profession. The study of theoretical economics is thus limited to the basics necessary for the comprehension of the field as a whole. Theoretical courses are followed and complemented by a wide range of applied economics courses from the fields of finance, accounting, taxes, management and marketing. Students also get acquainted with software commonly used by companies. Financial Advisor, Finance and Taxes, Project Management and Public Administration.

An essential part of the study is also a three-week (in the middle of their studies) and a semester-long (at the end of their studies) work placement during which students have a unique opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a practical situation. They also often use this experience when writing their Bachelor's Thesis, in which they analyze and suggest solutions to real-life problems in their area of expertise. The practical experience makes it easier for students to find a job after graduating and start their career successfully. Graduates are expected to be able to deal with standard economic situations in positions of middle management in private companies or public organisations.

The department is acutely aware of the importance of including international perspective into the study programme. It therefore actively participates in the International Business Weekproject activities, organised by similarly oriented universities of applied sciences around Europe. The International Business Week network includes higher education institutions from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Portugal, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech Republic. Sometimes, students from universities outside the EU are invited as guests; these include for example Ukraine, Russia or China. International Business Weeks take place twice a year and students are encouraged to go and spend a week in one of the organising countries where they take part in solving a case study in international teams of students. This gives them an ideal opportunity to get to know a variety of other cultures (European and non-European), use English as the main language of international business communication and gain international perspective on economic problems.

Students interested in spending longer time abroad can participate in Erasmus exchanges or internships and spend asemester studying business courses at one of the partner institutions or get practical work experience abroad.


Head of Department of Economic Studies
Ing. Roman Fiala, Ph.D.

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The department provides for the teaching of professional subjects especially for the degree programme Travel and Tourism within the study programme of Economics and Management.

The teaching is provided for by academics of the department, external teachers from other schools, and professionals from the practice. As part of the teaching, there are extra seminars or lectures of professionals from the practice organised on the basis of current situation in the field, available offers from partners, students' interest etc. The department cooperates with specialised departments in the Czech Republic as well as abroad and participates in providing domestic and foreign country practical placements of students.

The goal of practical placement is to enable students to both verify the knowledge obtained by studying individual subjects of the study programme during practical activities; in particular situations in organisations and supplement this knowledge with practical findings. At present the subject Practical Placement of Travel and Tourism is divided into five parts: two one-week long, two three-week long and a full-semester fourteen-week-long practical placement in the sixth semester.

The Department of Travel and Tourism provides examinations of tourist guides for the public. Furthermore it is a member of significant organizations and associations in the area of tourism on behalf of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava:

      • The Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants
      • CR Guide Association
      • Association of Czech Travel Offices and Agencies
      • The Association of Historical Settlements in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
      • Association of Scientific Experts of Tourism

Head of Department of Travel and Tourism
Ing. Ivica Linderová, PhD.

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The Department of Technical Studies provides education of courses related to electrical engineering and computer science, particularly in the degree programmes Computer Systems, Applied Computer Science and Engineering for Industry. In addition, it offers several courses for students of the other study programmes of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava.

The Computer Systems specialization is intended for those students who are interested in application of computers in technical and industrial processes. The Applied Computer Science specialization is intended for those students who prefer information technologies, computer science, or economics. The graduates of both fields have excellent job opportunities, it is also possible to continue in a subsequent Master study programme of similar orientation. More detailed descriptions of both specializations can be found here.

The department uses six specialized labs, which serve, besides educational purposes, as a background for realization of bachelor theses, students´ projects and scientific research. To mention at least two of them, the lab of signal processing and multimedia and the lab of computer control systems are probably the most attractive. The former is designed in a way to match the requirements put on a high-quality recording studio, however, its use is not limited to acoustic applications only. The lab along with its abundant equipment and devices can be used for wider multimedia purposes and also for precise measurements of almost any kind. In cooperation with Czech Technical University in Prague, our department has implemented a web-based application for remote control of the models, which allows the students to work on their projects anytime, even from their homes.

The department collaborates with both local and remote institutions and companies, e.g. Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Czech Technical University in Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Bosch Diesel, Valeo Compressor Europe, Automotive Lighting, or KEBA, to mention at least some of them. The academic staff members participate at many research activities, including the design and implementation of an electronic lung model or research on information coding and processing in nervous system. As a consequence, our students are offered many interesting possibilities: a study stay or practical training abroad, participation in interesting research activities or realization of their own multimedia project.


Head of Department of Technical Studies
doc. Ing. Radek Kolman, Ph.D.

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The Department of Health Care Studies offers bachelor programs which prepare students for positions of General Nurse and Midwifery. The department was established in the year 2008.

Midwifery programme graduates are prepared to provide advice, care and support for women and their families before, during and after delivery. They learn to carry out monitoring and examination, to take care of women and advise them during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. They learn to assist during delivery and to take care of newborn children. Part of their education is also the gynaecological care of woman. They also learn how to provide preventive, medical, diagnostic, rehabilitative, urgent and dispensary care.

General Nurse programme graduates are prepared to perform jobs of General nurse as defined by valid legislation of the Czech Republic. They learn to help physicians and specialists to examine and treat the patient and to work as part of a medical team. They are prepared to educate patients and the public about various health issues and to provide advice and emotional support for the patient. They learn to record the medical histories of patients and to analyze results of diagnostic checks.

Master´s degree programme Community Care in Midwifery provides students with advanced academic knowledge, practical skills and the competencies required to practice challenging, holistically conceived midwifery through pregnancy, safe birth, postpartum care, and care of the newborn.

Specialized classrooms for general nurses are fully equipped to simulate healthcare facilities. A variety of aids, tools and materials help students to learn how to provide high quality and safe health care. Students learn how to resuscitate, how to take blood samples, how to handle adjustable beds, how to handle infusion pumps, injection dispensers, defibrillators, bandage carts, cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruments and many other essential skills.

Specialized classrooms for midwives simulate a delivery room. They are equipped with modern aids, models, tools and materials. Students learn on accurate anatomical models of mother and child and they learn to use modern obstetric tools and monitoring equipment.

Graduates receive education which is in accordance with World Health Organisation instructions and guidelines and with the Ministry of Healthcare Resort Safety Objectives.


Head of Department of Health Care Studies
PhDr. Vlasta Dvořáková, Ph.D.

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The Department of Social Work is the newest addition to the College of Polytechnics Jihlava. It has been in operation  since 1 January 2013, when it was founded along with its first degree programme of Clinical Social Worker within the study programme of Clinical Social Work. It prepares graduates for  a paramedical healthcare profession without the supervision of an expert as defined by the Act No. 96/2004 Coll. on paramedical healthcare professions as subsequently amended and by the Decree No. 55/2011 Coll. on the activities of healthcare workers and other professional workers.


Head of Department of Social Work
Mgr. Markéta Dubnová, PhD.

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The Department of Mathematics provides for the teaching of mathematical subjects within the study programme Economy and Management for the degree programmes of Finance and Management and Travel and Tourism, within the study programme Electrotechnics and Informatics for programmes of Computer Systems and of Applied Computer Science, and for the degree programmes of General Nurse and the course of Midwifery.  Applied Statistics course is taught both in Czech and English.  

The Department of Mathematics organizes a course to prepare applicants for tests in mathematics, which is part of the entrance examinations. Every spring, the Department of Mathematics runs a revision course open to secondary school students considering applying for studies at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava - for the programmes of Finance and Management and Applied Informatics in particular. In the revision course the most important chapters of secondary school mathematics are revised (functions, equations, etc.) and additionally some useful methods of linear algebra, which are needed in the first year of study, are introduced.


Head of Department of Mathematics
RNDr. Radek Stolín, Ph.D.

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The Cabinet of Sports offers a number of sports and physical activities within the curriculum and also free time activities.

Optional sports at College of Polytechnics Jihlava is based on four principles:
i) the principle of compulsory options; ii) the principle of free choice (varied range); iii) the principle of flexibility from the point of view of placing in time; iv) the principle of balance and appropriate character.

Sports courses: cycling, cycling + catamarans, water tourism, rafting, outdoor course, aerobics, alpine tourism, hiking with a base, hiking without a base, inline skating, dancing, skiing and snowboarding, ski tourism, artificial climbing, natural rock climbing

Semestral sports: aerobic, aqua-fitness, badminton, basketball, floorball, Frisbee, indoor football, karate, jogging, fitness exercise, climbing, football tennis, swimming, spinning, table tennis, dance formations, tennis, volleyball.

Other activities for students, staff and public

Occasional events: Kite flying, Outdoor Sunday, Jihlava Grand Prix (road running).

Regular (or repeated in the course of semester): six-a-side football league, Zumba exercise, in-line skating rides, other sports tournaments.


Head of Office of Sports
Mgr. Bohumír Machovec, Ph.D.

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Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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