English version
Publikováno: 15. 7. 2022 03:03
Autor: Bc. Iveta Chalupová

Services for students


Student's Hostel

Location: Fritzova 21a, Jihlava

There is basic equipment in the rooms (double, three-bed).  There are shared social facilities. There is a kitchen equipped with a cooker, a microwave oven, an electric kettle and refrigerators. There is also a washing machine. Wireless Internet included in rent.

Price for shared room is CZK 3900, CZK 4900 in a room occupied by one person only. Students are expected to pay a deposit of one-month rent before their arrival.

Private flats

Location: at the town centre or near the college

International students often stay in private flats, mostly shared with other students.

The International Office provides accommodation support and makes reservations for incoming students. Detailed information on the types of accommodation are provided on request.

Students are expected to pay a deposit of one-month rent before their arrival.

Housing benefit

Students with a permanent address outside the Jihlava district, including international students, can apply for a housing benefit.

College Canteen

The College of Polytechnics Jihlava has its own canteen. Students can buy lunch for CZK 54,-. The meal consists of soup, main course and drink.
Opening hours:      

Monday - Thursday 11:15am-2pm:                                   
Friday 11:15–⁠13:30

You pay in cash in the canteen office during the opening hours. A minimum deposit is CZK 100.
Meals can be ordered either online (college intranet) or using the microchip directly in the canteen before 14:00 on the previous day at the latest.

College Buffet

On the ground floor next to the Educational Centre there is a buffet with offer of meals, snacks and drinks.
Opening hours:         

Monday - Thursday 7:30am-3pm:00                                                                                                              
Friday 7:30-10:00


Student computing account

Students are provided with a microchip that is used to pay for printing, scanning, photocopying, to order meals at the College canteen, to enter the Student´s Hostel and to borrow books from the library.


The Library on the first floor is equipped with computers and considered quiet areas with study places. School library resources offer a range of study materials.
Students register by filling in a registration form at the library premises. The registration and service are free of charge.
Opening hours:

Monday                                 7am-4pm:00                                                                      
Tuesday 7:00-17:00
Wednesday 7:00-17:00
Thursday 7:00-16:00
Friday 7:00-12:00


Computer network and information technologies

All the classrooms are equipped with computers and data projectors. 

Computer study rooms

The computer study room on the third floor is very popular with students. You will get access to email, the Internet and the college intranet. There are free places for your notebook to get connected.
Opening hours:

Monday - Saturday  6am-8pm:


Wireless Internet covers more than 90% of the building. For connecting to the college intranet you need to download a certificate - guide available hereAlthough the guide is in Czech, do not feel discouraged! It is very instructional.
In case of emergency contact OIKT, room number 2N030.


Each semester there is an offer of sports activitis for students. The list of courses offered is available at the beginning of each semester.

Student Support Centre

The Student Support Centre offers confidential advice and assistance whenever students may need it. The staff support students by providing advice and information, facilitating the adjustment of students to the new environment, assisting in solving difficult life, study and social situations, accessing external support services, assisting in dealing with relevant public authorities (police, ....), assisting in effective transfer to the labour market, providing information concerning follow-up studies etc.

Tour Operator

The College of Polytechnics Jihlava runs its own travel agency. It was established in 2008 with the purpose to provide our Travel and Tourism students with practical knowledge in arranging different types of tours. The Tour Operator offers one-day sightseeing trips and multiple-day trips in the Czech Republic or abroad. It also provides ticketing service for cultural events such as theatre performances or musicals.

 British Council Examinations Centre

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. It is a registered charity which creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide.

A new British Council examination centre was established at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava in March 2012. It allows people to take internationally recognised Cambridge exams (such as PET, FCE, CAE, etc.) at the college as well as attend language courses aiming at preparing students for  hese exams. The centre also organises lectures, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and other actions so that the college helps people to be in touch with English language as much as possible. There is a specialized language library at our college and the college would like to enrich it with English textbooks, works of fiction, CDs, DVDs and other English materials.

Take advantage of the opportunity!

For more information concerning the courses, exams and actions look at our websites https://bc.vspj.cz/zkouskove-centrum-british-council or contatc the e-mail: ryskova@vspj.cz.


Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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